Honeycomb Hut Project

In February 2023, the Department of Conservation contacted Nelson Speleological Group to inform us that they were going to remove the Honeycomb Hill Cavers Hut unless cavers undertook its restoration. As a result NSG members contacted DOC Westport to obtain the most recent DOC Maintenance Survey and photos of the damage to the Hut.

Cavers from Canterbury and Nelson expressed support in retaining the Hut and interest in helping to carry out the repairs identified in this DOC Survey. The NZSS Cave Conservation and Access Trust agreed to be the umbrella organisation overseeing this project.

Hut interior before upgrading

DOC representatives indicated that the repair work needed to be carried out as soon as possible, so after an initial visit a budget was prepared and fund raising initiated. Much was achieved during a second visit by cavers in and we quickly reached our funding target, thanks to all those who most generously donated to this project.

During a third visit in March 2024, eight cavers from Nelson and Christchurch replaced the roof, installed a new kitchen bench, delivered a new table, and installed insect screens and roller blinds in the bunk rooms. Outside, the deck was repaired and extended, coat hooks installed and some painting was done.

A fourth five day visit in July 2024 resulted in the installation of a new wood-burning stove and chimney, a new interior ceiling lining, the completion of the deck, interior wall cleaning and the installation of a new polycarbonate window.

Work in progress

New kitchen bench and wood-burning stove

New table and ceiling lining, and clean walls

Honeycomb Arch

Honeycomb Cave


Greenlink land project